Converting Cosmos DB Timestamps to JavaScript Dates

August 05, 2021

Cosmos DB automactially adds a timestamp field called “_ts”. everytime a document is created or updated. And it looks like this… { "_ts": 1628083065 } That number is described by this blog post as an “epoch value in seconds (not milliseconds) since an item was last modified.” The number of...

Upload an Image to Azure Storage with Static Web Apps

July 31, 2021

One of the great advantages to Azure Static Web Apps should be the ability to easily integrate with other Azure services. I’ve been working on a sample blog project a la the old Ruby on Rails tutorial, and I wanted to add the ability to upload an image to a...

How to use 'Dark Mode' in VS Code

February 27, 2021

After my post on how to auto-switch your theme based on the time of day, a few readers pointed out that VS Code “does this automatically”. In other words, you don’t need the extension that I recommended to do this. I had no idea! Is this true? Kind of… While...

Google trends shows Python interest surging

February 22, 2021

While looking at Google Trends the other day for “visual studio code”, I noticed that one of the rising trends was “visual studio code format json”. Today, it’s gone, but still in the top related queries along with “how to format code”. This got me curious as to what it...

How to switch themes in VS Code based on the time of day

February 16, 2021

It’s a good idea to switch between dark and light mode depending on what time of day it is. During the day when your body is more awake, it might make more sense to use a light theme where reading comprehension is better. At night, your eyes become more tired...