Professional quality audio with the Blue Yeti, GarageBand and Screenflow

One of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your screencasts, is improve the quality of your audio. I’m assuming that unless your name is “Dr. Dre”, you probably do not have a professional sound studio in your basement full of high-end equipment and expensive software. And if you’re like me, you don’t even have a basement. What I do have is a Blue Yeti microphone, GarageBand and a copy of Screenflow that I can barely afford....

Trimming expenses on The Urlist with Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier

Summary: We migrated to the new Cosmos DB Free Tier and shaved ~35$ per month off of our Azure bill. Cosmos DB Free Tier gives you 400 RU/s for free every month. This should be more than enough for most small projects. Get Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier is a project that I wrote with my colleague Cecil Phillip last year. We wanted to see if we could build a site on Azure that was two things…...

Cosmos CRUD

Cosmos DB JavaScript SDK is clean - I like it. But I feel like I always end up forgetting how to CRUD. For the uninitiated in database street-slang, CRUD means Create, Read, Update And Delete. Feel free to use that if you find yourself in a turf war or dance-off. Well, I take that back. I can “read” everything purty gud. Actually, I can “create” as well. It’s the retrieving of one item that always throw me off....

How to create a Reminder on Apple Watch without creating a Reminder

I have an Apple Watch (not cellular), and I love it. Not just because it lets everyone know that I’m better than them, but also for it’s ability to sync and store all of my audio to be used offline. I can download my music (including Apple Music), podcasts and now even Audible books to my Watch and take it all with me when I exercise. This means I don’t have to strap my iPhone to arm like giant medievil shield....

The 3 Laws of Serverless

A wise man once said this about Serverless… So wise! So profound. So obnoxiously vain to use your own quote. “Serverless”, is a buzzword. We can’t seem to agree on what it actaully means, so it ends up meaning nothing at all. Much like “cloud” or “dynamic” or “synergy”. You just wait for the right time in a meeting to drop it, walk to the board and draw a Venn Diagram, and then just sit back and wait for your well-deserved promotion....

GSAP, Webpack and invalid tweens

Before I forget, I wanted to document for posterity how I lost about 4 hours yesterday to gsap/webpack issue. I was working on a Vue project (CLI) with some gsap powered animations that I did not write. Not having written them, I can confess that I have no idea what they are or what they do. Any time I see the word “Tween”, I get flashbacks to actual Flash timelines and this very visceral feeling that I do not know, nor will I ever, know what I’m doing....

Selecting the first item from an array

Sometimes, in life, you just want one of something. Not two. Never two. Just one. Like a toothbrush. Or a flu shot. Or a pug. Dear god, trust me, you do not want more than one pug. It’s like a choir of snoring with flatulance on backup vocals. This is common in database queries, too. I mean, the desire to just get one result. Not the flatulance. Although it might be....

Deploying a Nuxt App to Azure

Summary: Nuxt apps with “server-side rendering” require a Node server, so you need to deploy them to Azure App Service. If you are using Nuxt apps in SPA mode, you can (and should) deploy them to Azure Storage. Check out the links below for more details… Deploy to Azure App Service Deploy a static website to Azure Ariana Grande once said, “One taught me patience. And one taught me pain”. She was talking about her ex’s....

This is how to easily deploy a static site to Azure

Over the weekend I bought my first new vehicle ever: A red moped. That was the only thing available at my price point. What a glorious thing it is! The wind whips over your body at a stunning 35 mph and you are alone with your thoughts. You ponder the finer points of the universe: existential questions like, “Do I look stupid on this thing”, “How many bugs can you eat before you die” and “How many ways can I deploy a static site to Azure”?...

The Urlist — An application study in Serverless and Azure

Today we are pleased to announce that we (Burke Holland and Cecil Phillip) are releasing a project called “The Urlist”. You can access it starting today at The Urlist is an application that lets you create lists of url’s that you can share with others. Get it? A list of URL’s? The Urlist? Listen, naming things is hard and all the good domains are already taken. This project was born out of a realization that I was ending my presentations with a slide full of links to additional resources....